





SE 1

The Plot

E/R is an American television sitcom that aired in 1984 and 1985. Developed from the long running play of the same name created and produced by the Organic Theater Company under the direction of Stuart Gordon and conceived by Dr. Ronald Berman, the series was produced by Norman Lear and Embassy Television and lasted a single season. Shuko Akune and Bruce A. Young reprised their roles from the original Organic Theater Company production of the play. Steven Spielberg and Michael Crichton borrowed heavily from this show in the creation of their television drama similarly entitled ER.George Clooney, a regular on this show, would later appeared in the NBC's drama.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Elliott Gould

Elliott Gould

Howard Sheinfeld

Mary McDonnell

Mary McDonnell

Eve Sheridan

Conchata Ferrell

Conchata Ferrell

Joan Thor

Lynne Moody

Lynne Moody

Julie Williams

Shuko Akune

Shuko Akune

Maria Amardo

Bruce A. Young

Bruce A. Young

Fred Burdock

Corinne Bohrer

Corinne Bohrer

Cory Smith

Videos & Trailers

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